Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Note from Emmy

Emmy has a message for the world and here's your chance to say it for her. If she could tell the "REAL STORY" about her feelings... about Rat.... about Miss Barmy... about her parents, what would she say?
Here's your chance to write a first person narrative!


  1. This is Emmy speaking.I felt kind of scared when I was in the ally.It was scary until I started dicovering the stores.Like the candy shop was the thing I loved.

  2. I think the rat in the cage is the rat at school.

  3. adsflkanglakfngfgnasdlkgnarlknafh

  4. me to jadet but then i dont becuse i think the rat at the windo is my rat

  5. I think you are right jade

  6. This is Emmy speaking...Dear Ms.Barmy,
    I hate ballet! Please let me quit!!
    Love, Emmy

  7. i think the same siarra

  8. Hi i am emmy i almost got mixed up with another rat becuase it looked like mine till i thought in my head that MY rat had a white spot behind the left ear and the rat i saw at the store had a spot behind the right ear. I don't want to get grounded so i am still thinking if i still want to let in in my house or no i really want to see my mom and dad so i am not going to let it out. I hope u like my story!

  9. hey there is emmy i hate balla it is so boring i with i could something more fun and what was mis.barme takeing abowt the ushal . i thought she would never come to a plaec like that .i can't waht to know what she was takeing abowt =)

  10. Its Emmy speaking I wish that Mrs.Barmy would let me quit ballet and French

  11. Mrs. Barmy stop! I hate ballet ,and most of the stuff u make me do. U never let me do what I want to do. I want to go in the allys ,and I want t me me not bob or tori i want to be me.

  12. I miss that poor rat.

  13. Hay Emmy her I really hate Mrs.Barmy
